Take one Canadian girl in les Alpes.
Add the ups & downs of living in France.
Cover with melted cheese...
Et voilà !

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Le Puy Mary

Good news, dear readers.

Compared to yesterday
I am able to walk much more like a normal person
& less like my elderly neighbour.
To tell you the truth, I'm even considering going to SH'BAM tomorrow!

Here is some more photographic evidence 
of why my legs are so stiff.

Le Puy Mary is one of the highest peaks (1787 metres) 
in the Parc Regional des Volcans d’Auvergne.
{Trust my aching legs... that's pretty high!}
You can read more about the history of the volcano here.

Just after 9 a.m., ready to go!

Although we started out in the forest, we soon hiked up past the tree line.

See?  No more trees!

But lots of beautiful colours on the hillsides.  The red is wild blueberries.
I loved the French Broom & the wild pansies!

Heading up & up & up.

Sometimes we had stairs...

... sometimes we didn't!

We finally reached the summit.

And were rewarded by this view during our picnic lunch.

We had some time to check out the orientation table...

& take a photo or two...

before heading allll the way back down again.

Maybe I should have made the trip down like this guy.

I'll bet his knees hurt less than mine!

1 comment:

  1. "The hills are alive with the sound of muuuuuusic!" is totally what comes to mind as I look at these photos! Wow. Beautiful. And yay for you, climbing all the way to the top!


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