Take one Canadian girl in les Alpes.
Add the ups & downs of living in France.
Cover with melted cheese...
Et voilà !

Friday, January 07, 2011

Galette des Rois

Yesterday was Epiphany, which means two things:

- the Christmas holiday is officially over 
& you should take down the tree & put away the decorations (yuck!)
- if you're in France, it's time to eat galette des rois (hooray!)

Really, who doesn't love an excuse to indulge in puff pastry?

You can read all about the background of this tradition over at my favourite Frenchie food blog,

Without further ado, here are the photos of this year's galette.

After we chose our galette at the boulangerie, the woman behind the counter slipped it into this paper bag.  If you've read been a good student & read up on the tradition, you'll understand why there's an image of the three wise men on there.
Ta da!!

The filling is made with frangipane, which is a blend of crème d'amande (almond cream) and crème pâtissière (pastry cream), which is a bit like custard.  Very sweet!

The galette comes with two crowns, one for le roi (the king) & one for la reine (the queen).
Becoming pastry royalty is simple:  
you just have to be lucky enough to find one of the two fèves (ceramic figurines) 
baked into your slice of cake.

Are you wondering what trinkets we found tucked into our galette?
Well, it's quite funny really.

You see, my brother & sister-in-law are newly-weds 
who are getting ready for a big move
alllll the way to Australia.

Sorry, Angela & Dave!  I think we got your galette by mistake!

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  1. What a coincidence! Hmmmm...

  2. How very strange!

    Sounds delicious but not quite what you need for a new year diet like the one I am on sadly!

    Wishing you a fabulous weekend. xx

  3. Mmmmm, what a fun and delicious tradition. Christmas might be over (le sigh), but there's still the galette to look forward to!


  4. J'adoooore la galette! Déjà 3 au compteur pour moi et ce week end j'en refais une! Moi les galettes, c'est simple, j'en mange tout le mois de janvier!
    merci pour ce super blog qui me permet de te suivre tous les matins en arrivant au boulot


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