Take one Canadian girl in les Alpes.
Add the ups & downs of living in France.
Cover with melted cheese...
Et voilà !

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Heck of a hailstorm

Yesterday I experienced an insane hailstorm.
It was like nothing I'd ever seen before.

I was at the Piscine des Marquisats,
Annecy's lovely outdoor pool
most of the afternoon.

I would swim for a bit,
go sit in the shade & read my book
& then get back in the water when I was feeling too hot again.

It was lovely.

Until about 6 p.m.
That was when I noticed some big black clouds forming
& decided to pack up & head home.

I hardly had time to put my bookmark in the novel I'm reading
before all heck broke loose.

The sky opened up,
the rain poured down,
& the wind whipped up.

I saw the brightest lightening flashes I've even seen
& heard absolutely deafening thunder.

It was at this point that the alarms went off on the pool deck
& a lifeguard armed with a megaphone 
ordered the few brave {foolish?} souls out of the water
& into the building.

And then the hail started.
Huge heavy hail.
I couldn't believe my eyes.

The storm lasted a good 10 or 15 minutes.
I waited inside until I was fairly sure it was safe to walk home.

Little did I know I should have brought my winter boots!
This is what covered the ground outside:

The road outside the pool was flooded:

It looked like Christmas in August at the park:

Nature's ice cubes were everywhere!

The town hall was flooded.
Firemen were busy inside
trying to pump some of the water out of the building.

Along the canal, I was astonished by the tree branches 
& the tons of leaves that had fallen down.
The huge puddles on the Paquier were pretty impressive too.
And I think this guy could have practically used his boat to get home.

I still can't believe what nature unleashed in such a short time.

You can see some more photos & a short video
over on the local newspaper's website here.

So it was very exciting around here.

Speaking of exciting,
we leave tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn
for a very quick weekend trip to Spain
to attend our friends' wedding.

I'll be back on Monday for a very Spanish
version of "Les Scènes du Week-end".



  1. Yikes! You must have wondered what happened to summer as you were walking home on the wet, icy road.

  2. CRAZY. Am so glad you made it home alive to tell me all about it!

    Have a fabulous time in Spain! Looking forward to the Scenes from your Spanish Weekend...


  3. Oh my, they are some crazy scenes you had there. We had the thunder and lightening all day yesterday interspersed with the brightest of sunshine, which was rather odd but nothing as weird as that hail!
    Hope your Spanish weekend is fantastic.


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